Monday, May 17, 2010

Blog Offline

Saya senang berbagi oleh karena itu tutorial ini bersifat free, anda dperbolehkan untuk memperbanyak atau mengcopy isi dari tutorial ini. Dan Jika memang anda membutuhkannya untuk sarana bisnis anda, silahkan pergunakan tutorial ini secara bebas. Saya akan lebih senang jika tutorial ini bisa menghasilkan sesuatu.

Posting blog tanpa Internet

Cara Posting diblog secara offline

Untuk menghemat waktu dan bandwidth internet kita, maka ada baiknya jika postingan yang akan kita buat dipersiapkan terlebih dahulu secara offline. Secara offline kita dapat membuat postingan tanpa terkoneksi dengan provider blog kita. Ada 6 provider yang merupakan provider utama yg bekerjasama dengan Ms Word 97.

Untuk mempermudah tutorial ini, penulis berusaha menampilkan gambar step by step sampai anda dapat mengupload postingan anda

Langkah Pertama

Buka Microsoft word 2007 anda pada bagian sidebar kiri atas terdapat Office button klik

New. Kemudian pada blank and recent klik new blog post lalu klik create.

Pada bagian ini pilihlah Blank and Recent (1) kemudian pilihlah pada kotak disebelah kanan New Blog Spot(2) dan tekan tombol Create
pada bagian kanan bawah.

Jika anda baru menggunakan Ms Word 97 sebagai tempat anda berposting, maka anda akan diminta untuk registrasi terlebih dahulu.

Pilihlah provider yang anda gunakan

Pada step berikutnya anda diminta untuk memasukkan User Name sesuai dengan saat anda Login pada blog anda.

Klik OK jika anda tidak ingin mengupload gambar untuk blog anda.

Pilihlah blog mana yang akan anda berikan postingan.

Selamat…. Registrasi telah berhasil.
Halaman Ms Word untuk membuat postingan secara Offline. Silahkan anda putuskan koneksi internet anda.
Dan anda sudah daat membuat postingan secara offline.
Anda dapat membuat postingan untuk beberapa blog. Silahkan anda atur pada bagian Manage Account.

2 buah blog yg diatur postingannya secara offline oleh penulis menggunakan provider Blogger.

Jika anda sudah selesai dan ingin segera mengupload postingan anda, maka anda hanya perlu menekan tombol Publish. Dan perlu diingat saat melakukan publish anda harus terhubung dengan internet.

Keterangan Gambar :
This post….. ini berarti postingan anda sudah berhasil diupload pada blog anda. Silahkan anda cek blog anda.
Tempat Judul….. ini merupakan judul postingan anda
Account…. Pada posisi ini penulis membuat postingan untuk Blog Riview Software
Silahkan anda….. disinilah tempat anda mencurahkan apa2 yg ingin anda tuliskan.

Penulis :

Tempat Judul POSTINGAN

Silahkan anda membuat postingan secara offline

Sopware Gratisan

Untuk sementara ini kami menyediakan beberapa sopware gratisan.

Monday, October 12, 2009

service Services Page


Kami akan memberikan
pelayanan terbaik dalam bidang Hukum, Akuntan Publik, Keimigrasian.

. .


Jika anda memerlukan jasa kami hubungi kami



Hak Kekayaan Intelektual  ("HKI") merupakan asset yang sangat
berharga karena erat kaitannya dengan pengakuan atas hasil inovasi dan
kreativitas seseorang, penerapan dan perlindungan terhadap hasil-hasil tersebut,
yang pada gilirannya diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial dan
ekonomi serta kebudayaan seseorang dan bangsanya.

Company Profile

Contact Information



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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Adobe Flash Player

Adobe® Flash® Player is the high-performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, mobile phones, and devices.

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Adobe® (formerly Macromedia) Flash Player - the universal rich client for delivering effective Adobe Flash experiences across desktops and devices. Lets you view the best animation and entertainment on the Web. It displays Web application front-ends, high-impact Web site user interfaces, interactive online advertising, and short-form to long-form animation.
Adobe's Flash Player allows you to view interactive web content like games, business presentations, advertisements. The package includes only the Flash Player and is a stand alone installation. Technically, this is a Flash Player ActiveX Control. It will only play the file through your Web browser.

Installed on over 700 million Internet-connected desktops and mobile devices, Flash Player enables organizations and individuals to build and deliver great digital experiences to their end users.

Flash is the world's most pervasive software platform, reaching 97% of Internet-enabled desktops worldwide, as well as many popular devices. Since it is free of the design restrictions of more traditional Web display options, you can use it to clearly and exactly express your brand and company identity.

Top features:

3D effects - New
Create more intuitive, engaging interfaces using built-in support for 3D effects. Get started quickly without being a 3D master by designing in 2D and easily transforming and animating in 3D. Fast, extremely lightweight, and simple-to-use APIs, along with 3D tools in Adobe® Flash® CS4 Professional software, make motion that was previously accessible only to expert users via ActionScript® language or custom third-party libraries available to everyone.

Custom filters and effects - New
Create high-performance, real-time effects for cinematic experiences that quickly engage users. With new Adobe Pixel Bender™, the same technology behind many filters and effects in Adobe After Effects® software, these dynamic and interactive effects can be used both in production with After Effects CS4 and live with Flash Player 10. The Pixel Bender just-in- time (JIT) compiler can also be used to process other types of data, such as sound or mathematical functions, asynchronously in a separate thread.

Advanced text support - New
Take advantage of a new, flexible text layout engine that brings print-quality publishing to the web, building on more than 25 years of Adobe expertise in typography. Gain more control over text layout using an extensible library of ActionScript 3.0 text components to flow text and sophisticated typographic elements such as ligatures across multiple columns, around inline images, bidirectionally, vertically, or chained together. Create multilingual rich Internet applications (RIAs) using device fonts that can now be anti-aliased, rotated, and styled, or build your own unique text components.

Dynamic sound generation - New
Use enhanced sound APIs to dynamically generate audio and create new types of audio applications such as music mixers and sequencers, real-time audio for games, and even audio visualizers. Work with loaded MP3 audio at a lower level by extracting audio data and supplying it to the sound buffer. Process, filter, and mix audio in real time through the Pixel Bender JIT compiler to extend creative freedom beyond the visual experience.

Drawing API - Enhanced
Perform runtime drawing more easily with restyleable properties, 3D APIs, and a new way of drawing sophisticated shapes without having to code them line by line. Developers can tweak parts of curves, change styling, replace parts, and use custom filters and effects, delivering improved throughput, creative control, and greater productivity. Enhancements to the Drawing API add the z dimension, real perspective, textured meshes in 3D space, a retained graphics model, read/write rendering, and triangle drawing with UV coordinates, while adding memory and improving performance.

Hardware acceleration - Enhanced
Use the hardware processing power of the graphics card to paint SWF files into the browser and accelerate compositing calculations of bitmaps, filters, blend modes, and video overlays faster than would be performed in software.

Vector data type - New
Use the new typed array class for better performance, efficiency, and error checking of data.

Dynamic Streaming - New
Show exceptional video with streams that automatically adjust to changing network conditions. Leverage new quality-of-service metrics to provide a better streaming experience.

Speex audio codec - New
Take advantage of the new, high-fidelity and open source Speex voice codec, which offers a low-latency alternative for voice encoding. Flash Player also supports ADPCM, HE-AAC, MP3, and Nellymoser audio.

File upload and download APIs - Enhanced
Bring users into the experience by letting them load and save files from your web application. New file reference runtime access allows local processing of data without roundtripping to the server.

Home page -

Professional Registry Doctor 5.1.3 Portable

Clean and Repair Registry Problems!

Professional Registry Doctor is an easy and comprehensive application to keep your PC running cleaner, faster, and error-free!
With few minutes and few mouse clicks, you can easily attain maximum optimization of your windows registry with Professional Registry Doctor. It will scan your complete registry and fix the registry problems. For your convenience and for insuring maximum protection, Professional Registry Doctor automatically backup any repairs made. So you always can restore Windows registry to the original state using restore button.

Identifies missing, corrupt, or invalid items
Professional Registry Doctor uses a high-performance detection algorithm to quickly identify missing and invalid references in your Windows registry, such as missing, broken or bad application or Windows shortcuts and links, obsolete Start Menu items, missing or corrupt application IDs, unused drivers.

Free Computer from Registry Errors and Fragmented Entries
With the Windows registry are a common cause of Windows crashes, slow performance and error messages. By using Professional Registry Doctor regularly and fixing registry errors to free your computer from registry errors and fragmented entries.